Stats Dashboard


Donations to the Global Health and Development Fund

Donations to the Animal Welfare Fund

Donations to the Long-Term Future Fund

Donations to the EA Infrastructure Fund

EA Funds Logo

EA Funds is an Effective Ventures project. Effective Ventures Foundation (UK) (EV UK) is a charity in England and Wales (with registered charity number 1149828, registered company number 07962181, and is also a Netherlands registered tax-deductible entity ANBI 825776867). Effective Ventures Foundation USA Inc. (EV US) is a section 501(c)(3) organization in the USA (EIN 47-1988398). EV UK and EV US are separate charities that collaborate closely under the “Effective Ventures” name.
© EA Funds 2017-2025

Open Philanthropy Logo

We collaborate and receive additional funding from Open Philanthropy.

University Of Oxford Logo
Future of Humanity Institute Logo
Global Priorities Institute Logo

We're affiliated with the Future of Humanity Institute and the Global Priorities Institute at the University of Oxford.

Y Combinator Logo

EA Funds was created by the Centre for Effective Altruism during the W17 batch of Y Combinator, the world’s leading startup incubator.

Effective Ventures Foundation Logo
Give Well Logo
Giving What We Can Logo

We're part of the Effective Ventures Foundation, and work closely with GiveWell, and Giving What We Can.

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